About Shenandoah Christian Academy
Mission Statement
In accordance with the instruction found in Proverbs 22:6, it is the mission of Shenandoah Christian Academy to provide an educational environment that will instruct, train, and equip our youth to effectively impact their generation for the cause of Christ. We will endeavor to accomplish this through reliance on the Word of God, application of Biblical principles, Godly staff and Bible based curriculum.
It is our goal to partner with the parents to support, strengthen and confirm the Christian principles being taught in the home.

Our Story
- History
Shenandoah Christian Academy was birthed because of a burden to provide the next generation with a Christian learning environment free of the corrupt philosophies and ideals of the government school systems. SCA opened enrollment to the membership of Marlbrook Baptist Church in the fall of 2021 and after much prayer made the decision to expand its enrollment to accept applications beyond the congregation of MBC for the 2022 fall semester.
- Church Affiliation
Shenandoah Christian Academy operates as a ministry of Marlbrook Baptist Church and is under the authority of and conforms to the leadership, constitution, and bylaws of Marlbrook Baptist Church.
- School Goals
1. Provide a Christian Environment for Learning
2. Pursue Academic Excellence in Teaching
3. Provide Bible-Based Curriculum and Worldview
4. Present Opportunities for Salvation
5. Promote Holiness and Godly Living
6. Prepare Students for Adulthood through Bible Knowledge and Practical
School Hours
Grades 1st-12th
Monday - Thursday
8:30am - 3:00pm
8:30am - 12:30pm
Grades K4 - K5
Monday - Friday
8:30am - 12:30pm
Admissions Procedures
- Opportunity
The objective in building a private Christian school is to obey the Scriptural imperatives of Deuteronomy 6:5‑7:
"...love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children..."
and of Proverbs 22:6 to:
“…train up a child in THE way he SHOULD go…”
We believe that teaching is training and that training for life must include training for eternity.
A Christian school is an extension of the Christian home in training young people in a Christian environment for time and eternity.
The school staff works closely with the parents to train the whole child.
Attendance at this school is a privilege and not a right. The goal of this school is not to reform, but to train Christian youth of every ability in the highest principles of Christian leadership, self-discipline, individual responsibility, personal integrity, and good citizenship. This school stands without apology for the truth of the Gospel and the highest standards of morality and Christian behavior.
- Admissions Policy
Attending SCA is a privilege and not a right. The following standards and policies must be kept in mind:
1. All students will be committed to the purpose and philosophies of SCA.
2. All students will cooperate with those in authority over him/her and will maintain respect for this authority.
3. The student’s behavior away from school must remain Christ-like. Any use of, possession of, or involvement with, tobacco, drugs, alcohol, gambling, swearing, cheating, fighting, stealing, lying, immorality, or un-Christian entertainment or behavior (including internet usage) may result in immediate expulsion from SCA.
4. Any student’s admission to SCA is based upon a family interview with the administration and a signed agreement from parents and students declaring that they will abide by the rules and standards of SCA.
5. All students are accepted on a six-week probationary period in regard to academics and discipline.
6. All students must be open to instruction from a Christian perspective.
7. Parents must be united in the belief that enrollment at SCA is best for their child. Parents must exhibit a strong desire to have their child taught from a Christian perspective.
SCA accepts only those students we anticipate being able to help. At this time, we are not equipped to handle physically or mentally challenged students.
8. Parents must be in agreement with policies made for the betterment of the school body. We expect parents to support rules, staff, and administration. Parents who are not in compliance with the philosophy of the school may be asked to withdraw their child.
- Enrollment Procedure
First visit: Parents and prospective student(s)
Pick up an enrollment package. Interview of parents and student(s) with Administrator. Watch A.C.E. video. Tour facility.
Second visit: One parent and prospective student(s) must submit the following:
Completed application package 

Previous school records and report cards as available 

Copy of student(s) birth certificate 
Student(s) social security number 

Physical examination and immunization forms completed and signed

Sign the financial contract and pay the required fees
Financial Information
Grades 1st-12th
Must be paid in full before the first day of school:
(If paying monthly the first month’s payment, registration and book fees must be paid before first day of school)
1st child - $4200 + $100 registration fee and total cost of books ($150-$350)
2nd child - $4000 + $100 registration fee and total cost of books ($150-$350)
3rd child - $3800 + $100 registration fee and total cost of books ($150-$350)
Additional children - $3500 + $50 registration fee and total cost of books ($150-$350)
Grades K4-K5
Must be paid in full before the first day of school:
(if paying monthly the first month's payment, registration and book fees must be paid before the first day of school)
1st child - $3200 + $100 registration fee and total cost of books ($150-$350)
2nd child - $3000 + $100 registration fee and total cost of books ($150-$350)
3rd child - $2800 + $100 registration fee and total cost of books ($150-$350)
Additional children - $2500 + $100 registration fee and total cost of books ($150-$350)
Additional Information
Monthly payments will be total tuition divided by 12 plus a 5% convenience fee per payment. (Example: $4200/12 = $350+$17.50(5% of $350) =$367.50)
Members of Marlbrook Baptist Church will receive a $100 discount per student tuition and a 50% discount per registration fee.
Academic Information
Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) is a strong, academically sound educational program. There are three primary reasons for our involvement in this program. They are as follows:
It is an Individualized Program.
Each child is more than a member of a group. He/She is an individual with unique past experiences, capabilities, interests, and needs. In a group, one may be comparatively slow, average, or fast, as he/she struggles to keep pace through ever changing adjustments to group differences and moods.
It is Achievement Oriented.
Personal achievement is a vital, motivating force. ACE uses this motivation to teach students facts and information. Learning is, however, contingent on a person’s desire for knowledge. In light of this ACE also rewards success in academic achievement.
ACE places the tools of academic learning in the hands of the student. Since learning tools are tailored to one’s ability, not age, an impressive degree of success is possible.
ACE students regularly achieve more than one academic year for each year in school, some as much as two academic years. Because learning materials are prescribed individually to inspire maximum achievement, all students will enjoy individual successes.
It is Motivational.
Professional guidance provides control and inspiration. Goal and progress charts combine to build self-discipline and success-consciousness. Class rules and earned privileges combine to minimize problems and promote respect for authority. The teacher’s role is to stimulate cooperation, maximize learning, and build respect for leadership.